Edmund as usual provided us with his warm and confident smile. Great guy to be with. He was in his mood and did 7km while the rest manages 5km and 3km. Free and easy, run with your own preference has always been the way of the hotrunners.
The short 3km run gave me a good workout and longer time to relax.. I have a bit of time to sit on the ledge and draw in the beautiful sight of UPR while sipping on a cup of cool H20. Eric Tee sponsored 2 bottles of H20 for the runners eventhough he cannot make it for the run. Work seemed to be heavy going of late. Another hotrunner, Doris Oh has given me a box of token to hand out to the runners. Could feel their spirit is with the hot runners in UPR.

Was happy to see Justrun Tay KH in running attire again.. He was carrying a nagging injury which force d him to lay off running for a while.
Margaret-Newton exceeded her goal by running 5km instead of 3. She is trying out her Garmin. There is a glowing feel about her in the photograph.
Badminton Joseph went back to the office to work. He is a high energy person.
All enjoyed the drink. Chatted among us comfortably and were presented with the token of appreciation for being there for each other's company.
Run for Health, Run for Fun, Run for Life