After 2 weeks of evening rain disrupted run plans, the weather on 27 Apr evening was simply cool and alluring. Bokz, Poh and I set off to UPR and along the way met Edmund Low. Without much delay, Poh and I set off for the 6.4km route. I was in my tri pants. I need to get use to the pants for next year's Triathlon event.
With Poh around, my plan was to do a the 6.4km in good time by starting steady and comfortably. Poh was in her usual calm pace... no rush. I was comfortable with the pace, just nice. In my last 2 runs in UPR, I yielded to the inclines and walk a quite a bit. Running with Poh helped, I did not yield to the inclines on the way back into the carpark. Overall 9.3km/hr... good speed for me.
Also, we enjoyed talking after the run while we cool down. Bokz also showed us his compression recovery socks which he is wearing to help recovery from his recent 15km weekend race.
Poh, Bokz and I agree to set a date to run at night along the Sundown route. A proposal for 30 Apr, Friday 11 pm was set. 15km to 30km range. Changi park. All are welcomed to join.