Two of the largest running events in Singapore are SAFRA Annual Half Marathon (also called Marina Bay run) in Aug/Sep and Standard Chartered Marathon (also called Singapore Marathon) in Dec. Most of our AMK Hot-Runners will try to join this event when our schedule permits.

This year SAFRA AHM is on Sunday 12-Sep-2010 with an estimated 70,000 participants ! More than 10 people from our Hot-Runners joined this events, mostly in the 21km half marathon event.
As the event starts quite early at 5:15am, most of us have to wake up at about 3:30am to get ready and travel to the starting venue. The weather was great that morning and most of us did fairly well and most of us saw improvement in our net run time! Cheers!!
LIM SAN SAN MARGARET 2h:32m:8s (net)
CATHERINE NEW LAY THENG 2h:32m:53s (net)
MATT JOE < 1h:52m:00s (net)
EDWIN GOH 2h:00m:14s (net)
ONG BOK HUI 2h:06m:05s (net)
CHAN CHENG SOON 2h:06m:23s (net)
FOONG KOK PUN 2h:14m:14s (net)
GAN HOCK CHAI 2h:17m:39s (net)
JOE TAN 2h:29m:18s (net)
KUAN SUI TOH 3h:04m:21s (net)

As more photos and results come in we will continue to update this blog. Please send any photos or results for posting to HC Gan, HT Ng or BokHui. Cheers.......