Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Last 2 runs at Upper Pierce Reservoir

turn out at UPR has been great for last 2 runs, had 14 last week and 13 today

last week......
HC finally got his 5 fingers shoes and was glad that MJ was on hand to show him the finer points
"dun raise your ankle too high, glide along, small stride but high cadence"
it was a short intro run on his 5 fingers but HC felt the strain in his muscles
"its toning up the muscles" MJ was heard saying

jason, mark & dennis have been joining us for quite a while now
and we were glad with the progress they made...
2 times up the slope and back is now "do-able" for them

thanks to the supply chain folks for volunteering to take care of the 100+
preparation for this month
margaret, pak loon, lau & MJ took off from office instead of starting at UPR
for a moment, we thot margaret was "kidnapped" by the long tailed macaques (aka monkeys)
because she was nowhere to be seen when pak loon & lau have been back for quite a while
we then realised she went for an extra 1k to the pump house area

HC & HT were both travelling this week so we got away without taking a group shot..
but i still took some pictures

next week's run will be ON!!

and hope to see more before the CNY holidays

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

17 Hot-Runners turned up to run together today !!

Very glad to see that a total of 17 Hot-Runners turned up for the run together today.

HC has not been running for almost a month. Just recovered from flu which lasted almost 2 weeks. So he took a shorter 5.4km route. Was having difficulty in breathing after about 3km. But he was very glad to re-start to join the group again.

Glad to see Andy joining the group for his 3rd run now.

The most committed runners are our 3 ladies FULL marathon. Right after the recent Dec-2010 Standard Chartered Full Marathon event, Cat said she will not do another full marathon again. You know what? She just signed up this month for the July-2011 Australia Gold Coast full marathon! This sounds fairly normal for those who have completed their first full marathon.

All together 6 people have signed up for the Australia Gold Coast full marathon. They are Edwin, Bok, Cat, HweeChwee and 2 others (forget their names).

Quite a number came with the distinguish Bright Yellow Hot-Runners group t-shirt.

Can't remember everyone's name. We have Chin, Francis, who1?, Edwin, Margaret, HweeChwee, Cat, who2?, HC, who3?, Mark, who4?, Andy, Jimmy, PakLoon & HT (half body only compliment of a kind hearted lady who took the photo for us and keep whispering handsome men. She forgot mentioned Pretty Women or maybe not of interest to her!).