Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Last Tuesday, it was raining. Seeing the gloomy sky, I felt the yearn to run IN THE RAIN. Since it was raining and I did not want to wet my new 902 New balance, I put on the waterproof Vibram and ran with Yanto. I felt absolutely delightful. The effort is low. The cadence is high. I ran faster. At 5km mark my calf is not used to the style and was getting tight. All in, I think the state of mind plays a part. The comfort of running in the rain, the anticipation of the diversity of running method, gear, weather all bundled together to make the run truly enjoyable with the company of one.
Like some said, the cup can be half empty or half full... depends on how you appreciate the situation. For me, rain brings on a different dimension to be enjoyed. Every cold droplet liven the point of contact on your skin giving a cool sensation to an otherwise heated body. The bio-awareness breathes life into the otherwise un-noticed piece of skin on your body. I felt closer to nature from within and the surrounding. For these reasons, I ran, bathed by the delightful raindrops.

It reminded me of my rain drenched days in army... cold, tired, hungry, burdened and on the move.

Thank you Yanto for being game about the run-in-rain.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Welcome Lai, KC and Poh's friend (not in picture). That made 21 runners who graced the evening in Upper Pierce Reservoir. Various distances, varied speed, numerous start points, multiple terrains... one place to meet.. a drink together where this picture picture is taken from 6:15 pm to 7:10 pm. Breathtaking isn't it?