18 Oct... UPR run was aborted due to presence of lightning as the rain poured. Too bad, have to wait for another week to get together again. Gan headed off to his gym and completed 10km on the treadmill.
11 Oct... 15 hotrunners came. Most of us were simply happy just being able to get some exercise in the transquility of UPR.

You can see the smile on Melisa as she waved and ran in on the home stretch.

We welcomed Poom to the group. She brought along a camera to snap some pictures of monkeys... yes real monkeys in UPR(not hotrunners).

Yip Yew Seng, a long time hotrunner joined this run. Hello. Long time no see.

At this time of the year, the sun set a bit earlier and it got dark soon while we sipped on the chilled isotonic.

Rest n Relax.
Posed for 4 photographers before we left. (Yvonne was not in the picture as she had to leave earlier. )
Run for Health, Run for Fun, Run for Life.