Month leading up to race
Realized that I am not ready for the Full BJ 2008 marathon and scaled ambitions back to the Half.
Infected blister; missed run days and at less intensity - learn how to treat blisters (done).
Vacation with Angelina sick; missed run days - life happens, family is priority.
Foot injury (PF); missed run days and at less intensity - mistakes made with sloppy technique.
Diarrhea; fatigued – stay away from Thai food before a race.
Week leading up to race
Foot injury restricted training to Pose drills and short runs (5-10km) at a very slow rate.
Training was focused on recovery of injury and working one Pose technique.
Reduced upper and lower body work out routine to conserve strength for run.
Race Day, at home
Interrupted sleep – excited and nervous so could not sleep. Woke up at 3:30am and stayed up.
Simple pose warm up drills while drinking 2 cups of coffee.
Diarrhea at home.
Ate oatmeal, 1 egg, and 1 banana, drank 300ml water.
Race Day, at venue
Cold temperature at starting line – kept long pants and long sleeve shirt on to keep warm.
Met driver, should have given run bag to him to hold, later took 1.5 hours wait in sun to get bag.
Did simple Pose warm ups, too crowded to do anything else.
Used bathroom 4 times before start – should have drunk water!
Sat on the ground and rested.
Saw an old man with a large ring that he was (I’m guessing) going to role the whole run.
Was so happy to be there that I had tears in my eyes.
Became very crowed, waited for our turn to start, jammed with people.
Finally passed start gate with 20 minutes already on the official clock, started my watch.
Road width good at start with lots of room to run, all the way to mini run finish (2.4km).
Crowded from road width too narrow after 2.4km, at times had to slow to walk due to crowds.
Up to 10K
Felt thirstier than I usually do, started to use water stations.
Trouble drinking and running, choked and spilled most of it – need to practice drinking water.
Feeling that the sun is getting hot – need to train more in the sun, not just 5am morning.
Passed an old man #402 who was speed walking – I would later see him again…passing me.
Felt strong at 10k mark.
No foot or leg pain.
Hot morning with little shade from trees or buildings - need to wear a hat next time.
Kept focusing on breathing, pulling foot up, and relaxing foot/legs - really saved my strength.
Used a 1,2,3,4 count mantra to insure I was keeping a 3times/second turnover rate – saved me.
Kept breathing, pull, and 1-4, count mantra.
Now feeling very hot.
Felt very thirsty.
Grabbed bottle at water station, poured over head and drank what I could.
Should have stopped at water stations and drank more – be more disciplined and less stubborn!
Was passed by a younger runner in a green shirt, later I passed him, later he passed me - TBC.
Kept breathing, pull, and 1-4, count mantra focus.
Felt very thirsty now and could not get enough water.
Should have stopped at water stations and drank more – I am such a pig headed stubborn fool!
Passed younger runner in green shirt, later he passed me again, several times - TBC.
Was passed by #402 speed walking old man - never to see him again until after race!!!!
A little dizzy from heat - should have worn hat.
Left leg collapsed 2 times and had to re-focus on only pulling – no more failures after that.
Left hip a little sore.
Feet bottoms sore, felt like I was running without shoes.
Up to 20K
Struggling now with the heat and thirst.
Kept breathing, pull, and 1-4, count mantra
VERY Thirsty.
Left hip sore.
Feet sore.
Passing lots of people.
Passed younger runner in green shirt for last time – he walked the rest of race. I LOVED IT!!!
Left hip sore.
Feet sore.
Long last km!
Tried to sprint but had no energy.
Saw family and heard lots of cheers.
Very hot and very thirsty.
Crossed finish line and stopped my watch - but forgot to look at the official time clock.
My watch said 2 hours 1 minute and 32 seconds – suspect error from my Puma “copy watch”.
Very happy and emotional at end.
At venue after race
Quickly drank a whole bottle of water.
Frustrated with copy watch and suspect it did not keep accurate time – need to buy a real watch.
Walked for 10 minutes and did Pose drills.
Drank 2 more bottles of water, ate a sandwich.
Generally tired all over but no lasting pain after stopped running.
Had to wait in sun for 1.5 hours for bag bus to arrive, good thing wife brought water and food.
Stood for about 1 hour of the total 1.5 hour wait for bag bus.
At home after race
In car on the way home drank 2 bottle of water, 1 bottle of Gatorade, and ate 1 sandwich.
In car on the way home could feel the signs of needing to use bathroom.
Once got home had to run to toilet and had major diarrhea.
Body felt effect of 2 hours on feet but no serious issues anywhere – credit to the Pose method!!!
Showered and dressed.
Self massaged legs and feet.
Small toe of right foot had a small blister, tried to pop it but it was still too deep.
Drank more water.
Went to lunch; had a beer, water, salad and a large pizza.
Went shopping for Steven’s school shoes.
Drank Water and a bottle of grapefruit juice.
After shopping snack; ice cream, cake, banana, and apple.
Dinner; huge rice/chicken/salad dinner, and a beer.
Tired at about 7:30pm, put Steven to bed (after bath) and crashed at 8pm.
Slept through the nigh but was very thirsty next morning.
Next day
Thighs a little sore from maintaining “S” stance for 2 hours of running.
Ankles and lower leg feel tired but no pain or soreness.
Left hip okay, feet okay, no PF foot pain from previous injury – credit to Pose method!!!
Small right toe blister reduced and no need to drain it or use a band aid.
Lessons learned
Buy a good running watch with an hour stop watch function and proven reliability.
Pose drills, focus on “Pull” and high turnover rate works all worked – need to add more training.
Training needs to include runs in daylight and hot weather – not just early mornings.
Wear a hat for all daytime runs.
Learn how to stay hydrated during runs – need to practice drinking during runs.
Do not use the marathon runners’ bag storage service – completely unreliable.
Overall – major time was lost due to dehydration from diarrhea and heat.
I feel with proper hydration (and no diarrhea) there is room for lots of improvement.
Could not have done this without my family’s help and support.
Looking forward
This week will plan for an easy total 22.5km run week.
Run a simulation half marathon 6 Dec.