Friday, January 30, 2009

Running Associates... Green Run

From: Ong BokHui
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 7:45 PM
Subject: RE: Running Associates... Green Run

Hi all,
Happy New Year. HT is away so here I am, sending this week's running note...catch is there's no run this week :-)
We had a wonderful run last Thu at Upper Pierce Reservoir. The place was very scenic, especially the sunset!! We tried 3 routes, all starting from the reservoir carpark (marked in green):

1st route: generally flat route within the perimeter of the reservoir about 3.2km return journey.

2nd route: running all the way out to the reservoir gate, then on the way back, turn right into reservoir perimeter, all the way in then out again back to carpark, 5.2km

3rd route: from carpark to gate and turn right to Casuarina Road and then back to carpark..also about 5.2km.
Routes 2 & 3 posed a little challenge as you need to maneuver 2 climbs and 2 descends on the way out...and another 2 sets on your way in...but it makes you feel alive!!

You can catch the pictures we took on the

A run is planned for next Tue, 3rd Feb. So please bring your gear.....

"why do i run??? 'cos i am crazy and running calms me down"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wishing you a Happy. Healthy and Prosperous New Year 2009 (牛)

Hi ,
here's wishing you and love ones a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year 2009.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Farewell Run with Cecilia @ Upper Pierce Reservoir

This is the first time we attempted this new running route at the Upper Pierce Reservoir area. The air is so refreshing and clean and very few cars around that area.

A total of 10 people turned up today. We car-pooled in 2 cars and drove from office (met at usual rear gate) after work and reach the Upper Pierce Reservoir carpark (free parking !) around 5:55pm. That area is closed from 7:30pm to 6:30am.

There are several flexibility in that area in term of distance. Some of us took the short 4.2km route, some took the 6.25km route and another group took the 7.5km route. All started from the carpark and ended at the same carpark.

Thanks to Bok Hui for providing the team with free Isotonic drinks after the run.

All of us LOVE these new running routes as these route has much fewer cars and the air is clean and refreshing.

After the run, we drove back to the office and went home from there separate ways. Overall a Great Success for our first attempt for these new running routes.

Future runs will continue on Tue and Thu weekly as long as the interest are still there.

Run for Health, Run for Fun, Run for Life.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Running Associates... 20-Jan-09 Route-24 Run

From: Ng HT
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 11:31 PM
Subject: Running Associates... Green Run

On the request from some members, we will be doing the Green Run this Thursday. Green Run is about running in an environment away from main thoroughfares for vehicles. Runners will be away totally from fumy and noisy vehicles. The route is special in that the various distances caters to personal needs better for the day. All start at same point, some common sections and end at same point. Hence if you have just started picking up running, there will be a suitable track for you. This is our first attempt at Green Run and also try a new track for various running distances.

(comment from GoodDaddy : wow.... first time having 3 nice ladies in the same run).

Date: 22 Jan 09, Thursday
Time: 5:30pm (Since there is driving to do. The car will leave on 5:35pm). I will be driving an MPV good for 7 persons. Others will be driving there too so there will be room for all.
Meeting place: Rear guard-house area behind MIC building near open carpark area.

Lower Pierce reserviour: It has a quiet Y-shaped road network. Using tree as an analogy, the trunk is 1.2km, the right branch is 1.3km, the left branch is 2km. The gives options for 2.4km, 5km, 6.4km, 9km without running on the same road in the same direction twice. Be aware that one of the road section has a very challenging steep climb and monkeys will be there as spectators.
Next week, there will be no run due to Chinese New Year week. After that, Bok Hui will keep all in touch on the runs while I am travelling.

(comment from GoodDaddy : happy waves at mid point along scenic route-24).

Moments from today's run:

- 10 runners showed. We welcome TL Yen making his first run with us. Soke Han brought Ivy, her friend to run with us too. Eric Tee joined us too for his first time. This time round, we make sure the new runners are not taking a too reach out distances. They should take a pace set by themselves earlier.
- TL Yen did well running as his targetted pace. Gan ran with Yen for the fun of it.
- We have a record of 4 female runners (Ivy, Catherine, Cecilia, Soke Han) appearing in one run. At the end of the run, all 4 decided to participate in the 10km female run for Sundown Marathon. Zijing, Bok Hui and Eric Tee are guys I know committed to do the Sundown Marathon as well.
- Cecilia did not join us in time but was as committed to herself and took the 1.2km circuit clocking 5 km distance in all.
- Eric ran fast and so did Bok Hui.
- I did 6km track24 + 4 km on the circuit like before to make it 10km. I will be travelling right after Lunar New Year for 2 weeks hence will be looking forward to the Green Run before I lay off running for 3 weeks. I needed the 10km to prepare for the coming Biathlon with Kim and Edwin also in the event.
- Bok Hui sponsored the Gatorade drink. Tasted delicious, as always. Thanks Bok Hui.

(comment from GoodDaddy : a bunch of Happy Babies after the run).


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Moments of 15 Jan 2009 run

6 runners got together for today's run . I was looking forward to this run to de-stress after the day's unusual activities. It was a pleasent surprise to see 2 new faces among us: Yanto and JY Choo. Along with Cecilia, ZiQing and Bok Hui, the 6 of us headed for the 6km scenic route running in the soft glow of the evening sun, leaving our worries behind for a while.

Can't resist a picturesque spot along Track 24 to take a photo expressing our joy during the run!!

- JY Choo exceeded his initial target of 2.4km for his introductory run.

- Cecilia found the view along track 24 breathtaking being her first time running there.

- Yanto was smiles all the way. Was great to have him around to lighten things up. You can guess who is he in the picture.

- ZiQing was game and accompanied me to follow thru with 3 rounds of the 1.2km green field perimeter to make it 10km in total. He is a steady runner and I use his speed to pace myself. It helped until the last 2km.

- Bok Hui provided the usual reliable camera support. More significantly, he did gave the runners a taste of his surprise gift... Gatorade ice-chilled drink. You cannot imagine how the drink tasted when I down it after the tiring 10 km run. I took 4 cupfuls. Thanks Bok Hui. It is this kind of enthusiam that adds a little magic to being together for the run. Any volunteers to help Bok Hui for his next drink preparation? Bok Hui is looking for a drink container (those with tap, 4 to 5litres). If anyone can spare one for the runs, that will help.

Sharing personal experience on methods to aviod injury and alternative running techniques to JY Choo and Yanto

Friday, January 16, 2009

Suggestions for Hot-Rrunners - from Pete L

From: Laute Peter
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 7:29 AM
To: Ng HT; Gan HC
Subject: Hotrunners

Hello Hotrunners,
It is very exciting to see so many runners now out for your weekly runs, and ladies too! Wow, you guys sure are lucky...
To keep it interesting and make the weekly run also a part of a "training plan", would it help everyone if you alter the runs not only in distance, but also in speed? I mean, like have one day were the objective is speed development, and another is cardio development, and another is endurance development?
Speed days could be;
a) 15 minute slow run to get warmed up.
b) Lead a 10 minute Pose drill session - so the team can learn and develop running skills.
c) Then do 4 x 200m sprints at a fast but doable pace - record results if people want it so they can see progress. These can be races between people of similar skill/fitness levels to make it interesting.
After every sprint there is about a 2 minute rest - depending on fitness level of the runner, can be more or less.
Every speed day can be different lengths; 200m, 300m, 400m, 800m and so on....or a mixture of several.
d) 10 minute slow run to cool down.
Cardio day could be;
a) 10 minutes of slow run to get warmed up.
b) Then do 3k runs at a faster than normal - but slower than speed day paces. Maybe 2x3k runs with rest periods between the 3k.
c) 10 minute slow run to cool down.
Endurance days could be;
a) Run 6k or longer at a very slow and comfortable pace - should be able to hold a conversation.
Lengths can vary are the runners skills/fitness improves.
b) Pose drills to cool down.
Happy Running!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hot-Runners breakaway run specially arranged for SDC team

HT arranged a special Hot-Runners breakaway run today on Tuesday for the SDC team. We have the largest turn-out over, a total of 12 hot-runners including two gorgeous ladies (all the while we have only a lady in the group at any one time of the runs).
The entire team of 12 hot-runners ALL went for the 6km Route-24 !! First time for Joseph and he completed the entire 6km route with ease... wow, good progress.

HT was kind enough to sponsor from his own pocket 12 bottles of drinking water (Cactus brand). The slogan seems appropriate with the breakaway run i.e. LIFE GOES ON......

Photos here are after the 6km run. Will add in the photos prior to the run once it is available...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

after the 8-Jan-09 Hot Runners Weekly Thursday Run

Lighter moments after the weekly run together. Photos taken on a Sony Ericsson camera phone... of course the photos quality are not as good as those taken with the Motorola ZN5.

A1. Running is one of the best ways to destress. With the current business and economic situation, this weekly run can be one of the ways to have a good destress session with all these nice lovely people.

A2. Joseph, HT, ZJ, HC, Edwin, Catherine, Stanley, Tim and BH.

A3. A bunch of really nice and talented people... Good stuffs !

Hot Runners Weekly Thursday Run 8-Jan-09

Our 2009 first group run for the AMK Hot Runners !
Hurray.... the best turn-out so far, a total of 9 + 1 + 1 person.
We completed the 6km run along YCK Rd, Lentor Ave and Route-24.

Photos below taken on MOTOROLA ZN5 (by Edwin). WOW the sharpest photos from any Camera Phone that I have seen in my whole life. Great camera phone for photos (5M pixels).

M. Hello MOTO..... the wonderful ZN5.

B1. Before the run.
Our Prince charming Kim (imported talent for Hot-Runners) on his white "horse". It was nice to have lovely Cinderella New to join us for the run today. Was worry whether she can complete the 6km with us, but she proved my worry not necessary. She completed the 6km with ease !

B2. Prince charming ready to go home to cook. Left behind the seven "dwafs" to look after the beautiful lady. By the way... it was really nice that Stanley who has left the company was able to come back and continue to join us for the weekly run. Run for Health, Run for Fun, Run for Life.

A3. After the 6km run. The "frog" replaces the Prince charming and took photo with us. Just joking of course on the "frog". Need to really comment Joseph (the "frog") for his determination & commitment to his healthy exercise regime. He forgot to bring his shorts and T-shirt that day. So, he drove to AMK central to buy those items and joined the group ! Wow... that's the enthusiastic spirit. Keep it up !

A4. The wonderful Motorola ZN5 camera phone was so fast. It snapped the picture before the team lifted their feet of the ground. Of course.... the ONE & ONLY ONE..... the fastest guy HC did took off from the ground faster than the ZN5 camera phone !

A5. OK. Get ready. Re-take. Slowed down the camera and manage to capture all the feet off the ground. Except HT whose feet still on the ground.... distracted by the pretty lady I guessed. OK lah..... will not tell your wife about it.
By the way... the fastest guy on planet Hot-Runners is the one in sexy white singlet. He completed the 42.195km FULL marathon run in just 3-hour & 40-minute !

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A passionate crowd

It has been about 4 months since Gan, Cecilia and I have sat together and decided to get this fun thing going. For the first run of the year 2009, The turnout is a record 9 runners. Out of these, Catherine New and Tim Teo were doing their first run with the group. That made a total of 15 persons who have showed up for runs thus far.

Stanley and Joseph were our passion person for the last run. Stanley took the effort to join us and Joseph has to go out to purchase a running attire at 5:30pm and made his way back to run on his own.

This Tuesday, we maybe expecting a few more new faces. This coming Tuesday will be a special run.

At this point, will like to thank HC Gan for being such a good sport to keep the blog very lively and informative.

The photo contribution from Edwin's ZNE and Bok Hui's camera gave us much to remember about being together for the runs.

Welcome 2009.

Posted by hot-runner HT Ng