It's Safiq second time joining us for the run. He did 7km today with ease.

The rest did a mixture of between 3 to 6km.
Margaret suggested to make next week Tuesday as a FUN day together instead of RUN day. E.g. perhaps go bowling together or do some fun thing together. Good idea as next week is the cooling down period in preparation of Sunday 16-Aug run event. We will try to plan this out.

BH donate 2 bottle and HC 1 bottle of isotonic drinks. Thanks !
Those who turned up today :-
Francis, Will, Pak Loon (or Pak Lah?), Reis, Margaret, Betty, Safiq, Jimmy, YK Chan, Guan Hong, Eric, George, Edmund, MJ, HC, Chia and Edward (last 2 person from NPI team, not in photo).
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