Article written by Edmund Low
Met CS Chan at the starting point but so far behind, never mind we are not competing. We run together for the 1st 500m, chit chatting on the way. He said we should complete in about one and a half hour but without much running lately and insufficient preparation, I think I should have done well if I can do within 2 hours (hahaha). He also tell me his 3 phases during the run, 1st 35% of the distance, go slow, next 35%...maintain or a bit faster so as not hit the wall at the 70%, the last 30% to pick up speed.We started on the tarmac road for about 400metres before hitting the dirt road...undulating terrain, a lot of pot holes, certain parts are still muddy, difficult to jog, let alone run. Past the dirt road at about the 3km mark onto the road. Still running at my comfortable pace...CS no where to be seen...it's ok, his pace is definitely faster than mine. At about the 5km mark, signboard said '10km turn right...15km turn left'.......saw the 6 km mark...42 mins..ok good, keeping to my 7mins per km pace. Straight stretch of road in the shade...not bad....8km mark...57mins......9km....64mins.....10km.....71mins....not too bad, keeping my pace, 11km...80mins...oops...slow down abit but never mind lah, then i saw the 12 km mark (89mins) and a sign "--> Beach"....what? beach after 12km? I forgotten about the beach part...oh well. Reach the beach.....what? run on the beach? jog on the beach? or walk on the beach? why are there so many people walking? I soon realised.......the minute the legs hit the sand, it sink in, need great efforts to jog....after 12km, the legs don't do what we want them to do anymore. Worse...it is sloping towards the sea and my right knee and ankle is having too much pressure and strain....oh no, too much, i better conserve my energy.. reduce to walk jog.....oh my my...even walk jog is so difficult.....how far is this beach run...too much efforts...legs so tired.......at long last, we started to climb the slope towards level ground again.....then i saw the 13km mark...what? only 1km...that must be the longest 1km run....108mins. Past the 13km but legs are so tired...oh no...right toes are having cramps..ouch.....my right calf...starting to cramp too...oh no...need to slow down...ouch.....Slowly I prod on, past the 14km (lost track of time...legs too painful)....ouch...left legs cramping too...reduce to walk jog.....why are my thumbs cramping too...oh no.....this must be those cramps that HT, HC and BokHui talked about but hey they said it is at the 17km mark, not 13km or 14km.....well, last km to go...ouch...ouch....must not stop...walk jog back....at long last, up the ramp for the home stretch, try to speed up...ouch..ouch...no way, my legs said no no. At last, I saw the clock "2:14:34".....I am so tired......
My official timing......2:05:29
Rank CheckPt1 RkC1 CheckPt2 CheckPt3 NetTime Total_Finish
499 00:30:49 458 0 1:00:41 01:30:53 02:02:04 02:05:29
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