Monday, June 28, 2010

Running UPR and News

8 runners made it to UPR. We welcomed Mark and Dennis who joined the run. It was nice to meet Gan, Bokz, Poh, Francis and Bobby. The weather was beautiful. 6 pm sharp, the group took to the road. Saw a group of skateboarder at the crest of the sloppy road. Soon, Booby, Poh and I were at the gate. (done 1.6km already) . Somehow, after the 21km Sundown, I was able to enjoy my run better again. 4 months ago, I would have been running slower and needed music in my ears to calm myself. Last 2 occasions, the runs seemed faster, manageable and more enjoyable.
I concluded that the long distance event makes the shorter ones a breeze. Participate in a 21km event at least once a year will be my plan to keep enjoying 6.5km runs.

After 40 minutes of running, the group gathered around with ice cold H2O.

1. Bokz is organising 15km and above runs on Saturday at around East Coast MacDonald as start point. The series will have first 2 runs of 15km and ends with last few runs at 30km to prepare for Bay Run and perk for Standard Chartered Marathon. We already have a few keen participants signed up with Bokz.

2. BYO: bring your own water for future runs. Give the coordinators a break.
3. 60,000 places for Standard Chartered run has been fully taken up. Registration is closed. Better luck next time.
4. Anyone wanted info on toe socks.. Poh uses it daily. Anyone wanted info on toe shoes, MJ runs with it (2 pairs already). Heart rate monitor... Gan

To Gan: thanks for the socks from UK. It rocks.

from P Laute

=== A note of encouragement for the SunDown Marathon participants ====

HT,Congratulations on completing another marathon. It's great that you can fit into your busy life the time required for practice runs, still having the energy/drive after a long day with all of life's pressures and demand for your time/energy. I don't think anyone with a full time job, family, and the everyday life comitments can ever find enough time or energy to train enough to reach their full potential. We just have to do our best to balance life and use our running to stay healthy and have a (good) selfish interest to look forward to.Keep up the good work and remember why your run; "Run for Health, Run for Fun, Run for Life" this race has a clock and it is counted by the years you remain happy and healthy - so you (and all the other Hotruners) are a world champion for sure.Pete

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy in UPR

6 hotrunners braved the drizzle which stopped soon just as the run started. Met another 2 in UPR.
Poh introduced Afredo, a colleague, to the group. We extend a warm welcome to Alfredo and hope he like jogging. Alfredo did 6.5km at about 10km/hr. He was more than ready to run. Alfredo is from the Philippines and have worked in Singapore for 7 years. He is with Motorola for 6 months already.

Bobby has stopped running for a while to attend to his evening courses. He was also looking forward to the run. He is certainly picking up the paces and will run more frequently to enjoy the events which he planned for. He did 6.5km along with all of us. Didn't see any monkeys this time.

Gan, after being back from Lonon not too long ago, was looking forward to the UPR run. In his busy travel schedule, he was just as committed chalking up some kilometres in the gym. Gan came back looking comfortable (not laboured). He is in good form/shape.
Bokz was traveling so I hosted this run. The slopes seems longer than I last visited. Darn, walked twice when nearing the Apex of those formidable slopes on the way back. Those slopes is becoming a love-hate relationship for me. I like it because it is formidable.
Guan Hong was all smiley before, during and after the run. The rest shared his mood and were evident as the group chatted after the race with cups of H2O in our hands. We felt happy and satisfied.

Some of the Tibits worth noting; MJ did 4:30 hours for his inaugural Sundown. Within 4 days, he have committed himself for another full Marathon by signing up the Standchart event on 5 Dec. Wondered if any of his race plans included his newly acquired strange, avant gade toes-shoes.
Talking about that,: Standchart Marathon 42km fulled booked by end of early bird 4 Jun, 21km was full on 7 Jun, take up rate is fast. Sundown, Standchart registration period are pre-maturely terminated due to strong early bookings. If you still want to take part, quickly go for it (10km).
Gan also drop me a note on the North Face 100km run is open for registration. CS Chan has done it twice hence you should ask him on his experience if you are interested. Have to find a buddy to sign up in pairs.

Bokz is coordinating a heart warming activity to help disadvantaged persons under the AWWA welfare organisation. Already 5 lady hotrunners have signed up to host 10 beneficiaries and 2 assistants. 10 more volunteers needed for the preparation training at East Coast leading to the race. 2 of the beneficiaries are on wheel chairs.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


29 May 2010,
Many hotrunners took part in the Sundown Marathon. Bokz, MJ, Poh, ZiQing, Edwin, New, Newton M, Randy, Eric, Betty, Francis, KH, Janto and a few more.
All in, we had a wonderful night race with our personal stories of the challenges and the lessons learned in spite of the accomplishment.
The organizer were trying their best to host the 19 thousands runners (was 11 thousand last year). There has been a surge in interest in Sundown marathon. There were runners from other countries who toiled through the humidity like the locals. Water points were available every 2 kilometers or so to keep us hydrated.
It had been an enjoyable 21km race for me. However, the new start point brought transportation difficulty to many. Although the race route is on a long easy stretch of flat road fringing the airport runway, I did miss certain elements of the inaugural race which required the participants to run alongside the seafront and threaded through the heartlands of the East coast communities.
Earlier, the practice run at night with some of the runners have been beneficial to prepare me for this race. I would encourage group practice to build up towards an event as it would be enjoyable and motivating. Although the Tuesday regulars have dwindled a bit, the running spirit is still abound as can be seen by the Sundown turnout for hotrunners. Betty and Francis in particular were inspiring, having committed themselves to run their first marathon by the end of this year. Cheers to the runners....

Run for Health, Run for Fun, Run for Life