Bokz was traveling so I hosted this run. The slopes seems longer than I last visited. Darn, walked twice when nearing the Apex of those formidable slopes on the way back. Those slopes is becoming a love-hate relationship for me. I like it because it is formidable.

Some of the Tibits worth noting; MJ did 4:30 hours for his inaugural Sundown. Within 4 days, he have committed himself for another full Marathon by signing up the Standchart event on 5 Dec. Wondered if any of his race plans included his newly acquired strange, avant gade toes-shoes.
Talking about that,: Standchart Marathon 42km fulled booked by end of early bird 4 Jun, 21km was full on 7 Jun, take up rate is fast. Sundown, Standchart registration period are pre-maturely terminated due to strong early bookings. If you still want to take part, quickly go for it (10km).
Gan also drop me a note on the North Face 100km run is open for registration. CS Chan has done it twice hence you should ask him on his experience if you are interested. Have to find a buddy to sign up in pairs.
Bokz is coordinating a heart warming activity to help disadvantaged persons under the AWWA welfare organisation. Already 5 lady hotrunners have signed up to host 10 beneficiaries and 2 assistants. 10 more volunteers needed for the preparation training at East Coast leading to the race. 2 of the beneficiaries are on wheel chairs.
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