Friday, January 16, 2009

Suggestions for Hot-Rrunners - from Pete L

From: Laute Peter
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 7:29 AM
To: Ng HT; Gan HC
Subject: Hotrunners

Hello Hotrunners,
It is very exciting to see so many runners now out for your weekly runs, and ladies too! Wow, you guys sure are lucky...
To keep it interesting and make the weekly run also a part of a "training plan", would it help everyone if you alter the runs not only in distance, but also in speed? I mean, like have one day were the objective is speed development, and another is cardio development, and another is endurance development?
Speed days could be;
a) 15 minute slow run to get warmed up.
b) Lead a 10 minute Pose drill session - so the team can learn and develop running skills.
c) Then do 4 x 200m sprints at a fast but doable pace - record results if people want it so they can see progress. These can be races between people of similar skill/fitness levels to make it interesting.
After every sprint there is about a 2 minute rest - depending on fitness level of the runner, can be more or less.
Every speed day can be different lengths; 200m, 300m, 400m, 800m and so on....or a mixture of several.
d) 10 minute slow run to cool down.
Cardio day could be;
a) 10 minutes of slow run to get warmed up.
b) Then do 3k runs at a faster than normal - but slower than speed day paces. Maybe 2x3k runs with rest periods between the 3k.
c) 10 minute slow run to cool down.
Endurance days could be;
a) Run 6k or longer at a very slow and comfortable pace - should be able to hold a conversation.
Lengths can vary are the runners skills/fitness improves.
b) Pose drills to cool down.
Happy Running!

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