We were happy to have Bok Hui back from Reservist.
Edwin and I did a relaxed pace. JY Choo was pacing well.
Gan was well perspired by the time he completed his run.
Some members walked and run. That is absolutely right thing to do.... do it at your pace. Do not strain your body. With some of the members, I briefly touched on midfoot landing to remove the stress on the knee cap as one alternative for running technique. For more info, look for Chi or Pose running literature. Yun Yow Seng is our Chi Running master.
100 plus was provided by Edwin Goh for the runners. Thank you to Edwin. It was interesting to note that besides JY Choo, Edwin and myself felt the same way about drinking room temperature plain water after a serious run is prefered compared to drinking cool isotonics. So, some of the Thursday's run, we will consider BYO (bring your own bottle water) or prepare smaller quantities for isotonics for some of the runners.
In general, last week we have a good turnout of runners ranging from persons who have picked up running-briskwalking to those who simply enjoy running with the group and those who are preparing for 10km runs in near future. All the smiling faces and personal progress reported from their workouts makes the run fun and rewarding.
In general, last week we have a good turnout of runners ranging from persons who have picked up running-briskwalking to those who simply enjoy running with the group and those who are preparing for 10km runs in near future. All the smiling faces and personal progress reported from their workouts makes the run fun and rewarding.
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