15 hotrunners headed for Upper Pierce reservoir. CM Lai and Francis kept each other company to the main gate and to the pump house. Yun and Zijing ran to the Casuarina carpark for the 6.5km route. I took the 7km route along with Margaret, Randy, CS Chan and Ben. Not too sure about the others as we are used to running our own route.
Margaret ZiJing was with us despite just finishing their 42km Sundown Marathon 9 days ago.
I was using my Garmin watch for the first time. It was beeping most of the time above the desired 160 pulse rate. Also notice with interest that my pulse will climb just by looking up the long slope.

CS Chan will be participating in the Mount Faber Run this Saturday so we wish him the best. CS has also run off track in MacRitchie and will be available to bring us there if we can fit it into our schedule. He is also planning to undertake the Genting Highlands 50km run. Anyone care to join him?
Some interesting exchange… my foot arch was incessantly painful once it goes beyond 4 hours of running during Sundown last year. I found that ZiJing, Margaret have the same experience too. Some suggested that it was inadequate conditioning. More motivation to finish faster so as to avoid the foot arch pain if I ever try another Marathon.

Hope to see all at next Tuesday's 50th Run at East Coast (cum dinner). This Thursday 49th Run is On. Track 24.
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