We drove off from rear gate carpark around 5:45pm and reach the free carpark slightly before 6pm. Most of us took the 6.5km route while some took the 7.2km and a few took the 4.2km. Our ONE and only ONE Mr.MJ took a "much longer" route (maybe 20 or 30km). The whole group waited and waited for him until 7:15pm and he still did not show up.
The group got worried and concern for him. Did he lost his way, get into some accident, kidnapped by the strayed monkeys, gone back to office or home, or etc. Called the police and reported lost of One Hot-Runners. The police sent 3 platoons of army boys to search the whole area to look for him.
Of course, that was a joke. But we did lost him. As the gate will be closed at 7:30pm we drove off from the carkpark at our usual exit time of 7;15pm. Yanto's car was assigned to go find MJ. They managed to find him when driving out from the reservoir area. Will find out what happen to him and add to this Blog later.

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