From: HT Ng
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009
To: hot runners-HOTRUN01
Subject: Running Associates... Run Track 24
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009
To: hot runners-HOTRUN01
Subject: Running Associates... Run Track 24
Date: 26 Feb (Thursday)
Route: Start from Offce to Track 24 and/or 1.2km circuit
Time: 5:30pm
I shall be looking forward to a hard run and hope my will can take me pass 10km distance. I believe there will be those coming to run for Fun at a comfortable pace as well. This run can be a good training day for those signed up for the 10km women's Sundown marathon.
I have the container and will load it with ice. Will be fun to have new sponsor for the drink tomorrow for a show of group spirit. If there is a volunteer, pls reply so that we do not have so many carrying drinks here (apologies for the short notice). Anyway, I have Gatorade and sky juice on standby in my office.
Moment of 24-Feb Tuesday's run :

About the route, everyone felt the UPR has a ethereal atmosphere similar to that of a temperate forest.... cool, faded light. It is a refresh feeling for all of us. Imagine Lord of the Ring setting. Simply uplifting to be running in such environment with good number of associates for company.

Was pleasently surprised to see SV, Steby and Janto on Tuesday run as well having done las Thursday's. Anyone aware of a 10km race between now and Aug's Bay Run?

Regards , HT
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