Somehow, the photo from my new Mot phone appeared with special dreamy effect specially for Mong Sze. Mong means dreamy. The camera must have sensed the day was dedicated to her. She provided the 100 plus and helped with the drinks as well. We wish her the more fun running after her departure from Motorola. Once a hot-runner, always a hot-runner.

Margerate was there as sent off party and to tough it out. She is building up towards her Sundown 42km. Between that, she has signed up for Passion Run 15km.

Wil simply likes to run and have been consistently good.

Pleasent George always there to give good company to all.

We welcome CM Lai, our new hotrunner.

Yip has also signed up for 21km Bridge Run.

Yanto back from secret training in Indonesia

Gan also back from secret Malaysia training.

First photo of Edmund solo in singlet. His motto is also to simply enjoy the run. He did 7km in UPR in 46mins. Wonder how fast he can go if he go beyond enjoyment into the torture zone.

Riess is back in the running with hotrunners.

Run for Fun
Run for Health
Run for Life
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